2008年9月28日 星期日

The Footbridge at North Shore

Bridge: The Footbridge at North Shore
Location: Stockton, UK
Length: 273m
Designer: Expedition Engineering Limited, Designer and Spence Associates, Architect.

3 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Although this footbridge is under construction now.I'm affected by its streamline shape and the intention for creating a public place that can attract people to invest.I belive that architecture should combine with quality of humanism.The footbridge isn't only used to link but also provide a place with leisurely and carefree in the strenuous life.

943002101 提到...

I have seen these bridges .Making me have the one that felt most is this foot bridge.Very special because of the design of this bridge .So I especially appreciate this bridge .

943002002 提到...
